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1-22-13 minutes
Salem Beautification Committee
Meeting January 22, 2013

Present:  Marcia Lambert, Mary Ellen Halliwell, Bev Moustakis, Sandra Power, Barbara Sirois.   Barbara Swartz, Judith Wolfe, Ellen Talkowsky .  Absent: Sam Fiore, Mary Anne Piechocki.  Visitor:  Lisa Lyons

The meeting was called to order at 7:35.  

The Minutes of the meeting of October 23, 2012 were reviewed.  Paragraph 3 concerning traffic islands is amended to report that there are thirty two available public spaces of which twenty three have paying sponsors. A motion to approve the minutes as amended was proffered, seconded and passed.

1.  Letter to City Councilors – A draft memo to the city Councilors soliciting suggestions for the identification of sites that might benefit from “beautification” efforts was discussed.  Ellen will work on the memo.  It was moved, seconded and approved that the letter be sent to the Councilors. Responses will be sent to Committee representative, Barbara Swartz.  

2.  City Council letters - Ellen reported on a memo sent to the Committee by Julie Rose of the Recycling Committee which concerned city sponsored cleanups and “Clean Salem Green Salem” A discussion followed.  It was suggested that the Committee should contact neighborhood advisory groups about becoming involved with the “Clean Sweeps” project.   It was moved, seconded and passed that a letter be sent to  the Neighborhood Improvements Advisory Committee (NIAC)  informing all about the event and encouraging all to join in and participate.  This motion was followed by a motion to have Committee members attend a NIAC meeting.  The motion was passed.  Barb Swartz volunteered to attend a NIAC meeting to let the group know who we are and what we do and to ask for help.  This year’s date for “Clean Sweeps” is May 5th.

3.  Traffic Island  Review – Sandi distributed a list of traffic islands that were planted in 2012, a Memorandum of Understanding regarding the 2013 Traffic Island Beautification Program, list of Public Places, a list of Public Spaces downtown as identified on 8/17/10, plus a hand drawn map locating various planted islands.  She noted that there are new islands and more under study. Ellen is to produce bookkeeping records for the next meeting.  Traffic Island funds are used for signs, mulch etc.  We will vote on how much should be spent on the Committee’s Veterans Traffic Island costs run about $3,000.00 per year which covers mulch, some plants, pictures, awards, hanging baskets on the Mall and other things.  Creating an office of Treasurer will be addressed at the next meeting.  Further consideration of other public spaces plus money raising through the sale of aprons and tee shirts will also be considered at the next meeting.  

4.  Lady of Salem – Mary Ellen reported on efforts to secure new sponsors for 2013 and highlighted the contributions of existing sponsors such as the fact that Home Depot supplies the paints used by the artists who decorate the figures.    It was suggested that a poster of the “Ladies” be created for sale to the general public.  And Lisa will help in creating applications for grants that will be used to support this project.
A Motion to Adjourn was adopted. Meeting was adjourned at 9:00 P.M.

Respectfully submitted,
Judith Wolfe
Next Meeting:  February 26, 2013
Chairperson:  Marcia Lambert